Lesson plan. 9th grade. environmrntal
Topic: Environment
Subtopic: Recycling
Objectives: introduction of vocabulary and grammar on the topic Improvement of reading skills (understanding the text and ability to answer the questions) Develop listening and speaking skills Teach the importance of taking care of the nature
Type of the lesson: introduction of new material
Equipment: handouts with text, CD recorder, video projector
Procedure 1. Greeting Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?
2. Introduction the topic and the goals of the lesson Today we are going to speak about the world we all live in, but what exactly I’ll be you’ll have to guess. So, the first letter of the topic is something you like swimming in in summer, we have it in the city (R). The second letter is the highest mountain in the world (E). The third letter is a pet that many people have, they eat mice ( C) . the next letter is the name of an internet site where you can watch a lot of videos ( Y). it’s a means of transport that pollute the atmosphere ( C). it’s a small, green part of a tree (L), it’s the ending used in continuous forms (ING). (RECYCLING). At the lesson we are going to work with a text, learn some new vocabulary, have listening tasks, work with grammar, have small discussions and we will have some fun. And we are going to keep vocabulary notes. 3. So, let’s start. First of all I’d like you to write down all the words you can think of that are connected with nature. (students write their lists). The ones who have the longest get points. 4. Reading. Now look at the screen. What do you see there? (landfills) Look at the title of the text (We are talking rubbish). Actually, there’s an expression “you are taking rubbish’ . what does it mean? (you are talking nonsense). But as you see, we today we are taking about rubbish. So, rubbish, where does it come from? Do you create muck rubbish? What happens to the rubbish you have? Almost all it ends up in landfills. We have a problem of wastes deposal. Read the text quickly and answer the questions. Now look at sentences A-F and decide which gaps they should go into. The following words were used in the text? Can you match the words with their definition?
Now complete the text using these words and phrases
5. Speaking Now I’ll divide you into 3 groups. It’s of the groups gets a slip of paper with a problem. In 3 minutes time you should come with as many solutions as it’s possible. The speaker in each of the groups will be… 6. Grammar work. Look at some of the sentences from the text: The first landfill site in history was opened by Ancient Greeks in about 2500 BC. Where is the subject? (the first landfill site) Where is the predicate? (was opened) Did the site open something? (No) Did somebody open the site? (Yes) This is passive structure. We use it when action is produced upon the subject. The formula of passive is TO BE + PP. we change only TO BE. & 7. Introduction of the vocabulary and grammar into students’ speech. The text we read states that glass, paper and plastic can be recycled. So, for it we have to sort out the rubbish we throw away. Look at the screen. Here you can see quite a few everyday objects. Can you sort them out for recycling? Plastic: bag, broken toy, plastic cup, felt pen, yoghurt pot, plastic bottle, loudspeakers. Glass: bottles, glass, window, glass souvenirs, light bulb. Paper: post card, paper bag, book, copy-book, newspaper, magazine, paper packaging. Not recycled: food leftovers, batteries, old furniture. What do we do with them? 8. Look at the screen again. Who is it in the photo? (Michel Jackson). What does he have to do with the environmental protection? (students’ ideas) He wrote a song that’s called “what about us”. In this song he expresses deep concern about our planet and what will happen to it in the future. Now I want you to listen to the song and write down all features of nature that are mentioned in the song. (sunrise, rain, field, shore, stars)
Earth song What about sunrise What about rain What about all the things That you said we were to gain... What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores? Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah
What have we done to the world Look what we've done What about all the peace That you pledge your only son... What about flowering fields Is there a time What about all the dreams That you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to notice All the children dead from war Did you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores?
Aaaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaaah
I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far Earth Song By Michael Jackson What about __________? What about rain? What about all the things that you said we were to __________? What about killing fields? Is there a __________? What about all the things That you said were yours and __________? Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed __________? Did you ever stop to notice This __________ Earth, these weeping shores? Ah, ooh Ah, ooh What have we done to the __________? Look what we've done What __________ all the peace That you pledge your only son? What about flowering __________? Is there a time? What about all the __________ That you said was yours and mine? Did you ever stop to __________ All the children dead from war? Did you ever __________ to notice This crying earth, these weeping shores? Ah, ooh Ah, ooh I used to __________ I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't __________ where we are Although I know we've drifted far What’s the main idea of the song? (we have to protect our planet if we don’t want to disappear together with it) 9. Making up conclusions. So at this lessons we’ve learnt vocabulary connected with nature protection, we revised passive voice, we worked with text and listening. But the most important is that we’ve started to understand a bit more the problems we are facing and that there is a solution to each of the problems. And the solution to the problem of wastes disposal is RECYCLING.